Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chloe Thompson

I wrote a different blog this morning with the intention of posting it this afternoon. But then something happened. 
I had to say goodbye to my first "baby." Chloe. 
Chloe the pug. 

The pug that helped to make naming my daughter "Eloise" perfectly perfect. (If that makes no sense, please go ahead and look up the Eloise at the Plaza books.) 
The pug that snored. 
The pug that snorted like a pig. 
The pug whose tail curled up when she was happy...(it was usually curled.)
 The pug whose head would turn sideways when you said words she loved like "walk" or "Daisy." 
The pug who lovingly taught some of my friends not to be afraid of dogs. 
The pug who did a lot of wonderful things for a lot of wonderful people.
My first baby.
If you have had a pet, you understand that.
She had a long, healthy, very happy life.
Goodbye, my sweet Chloe.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I remember Chloe coming with you to pick up Ellie from preschool some days. She was adorable.

    When my Buddy the Cocker died in 2005, this poem was very comforting to me:

    I am so sorry, friend.
