Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pinterest: The Muppet Love Continues

At this point, we all know Elizabeth loves the Muppets. Fact. But, I'm certainly not the only one! While fishing around for other things on Pinterest the other day, I came across some serious fans. The lengths to which their Muppet adoration and creativity go, are quite impressive. Take a look!

These next two pieces of graphic art simply rock. 

Some silly Muppet and Angry Birds fun:

Check out this Muppet Theater made of Peeps! Yes, Peeps! I want to want this for Ellie to play with...

And in, perhaps, the ultimate in truly hardcore Muppet love expression, I present to you these outstanding specimens:

                                         (I mean, really...)

(And this? A thousand times yes.)

I also found this... no one "handmade" it, I just think it's totally awesome and want it framed somewhere in my house. Dr. Teeth rules.

Have a happy and snowy Wednesday, all!

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